A Visit to a Historical Place – A Short Report for Class 9, 10, 11, 12


By ………..(your name)

Kolkata, April, 2: ABC school organized a visit to a historical place for the students of class XII in the last week. The place selected was the Agra Fort, along with the famous Taj Mahal. A subscription of twelve hundred rupees per head was raised. Some twenty five students were enrolled. We also took permission from the guardian of the enrolled students. Then necessary preparation such as the booking of tickets and the lodge to stay were completed. Our trip to Agra started on the 20th October night under the guidance of our History teacher N. Roy. The train-journey to Agra was pleasing and thrilling. On reaching we went to see the Agra Fort next morning. That was a place where many Sultans ruled. We also visited the Taj Mahal next morning. Indeed our excursion gave us both knowledge and pleasure.


***Note : You should change place,city name, date, school name & reporter name etc.

This report is for the students of class 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th and others. 


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