The Miami Dolphins Lost Their Beloved Executive

The Miami Dolphins lost a beloved executive member of the organization this weekend.

Dolphins vice chairman and CEO Tom Garfinkel released a statement on the passing of Jason Jenkins. Jason Jenkins was 47 years old.

paThe NFL world paid tribute to the late Dolphins' executive on social media.ste text

"Tragic news for the Miami Dolphins," tweeted Pro Football Network's Aaron Wilson.

"This is such sad news," a Dolphins podcaster said. "Jason Jenkins was just announced as passing away today. He was such a gentleman who was an advocate for all community groups.”

"Among much much more important things, Jason Jenkins was the first team official in town to support this network," shared Five Reasons Sports.

paste text"We are sending our love to the entire Miami Dolphins organization, the family and friends of Jason Jenkins, and to anyone whose life Jason had an impact on," tweeted the Atlanta Falcons.

"Jason Jenkins’ closing remarks to Texas Tech graduates in 2018, when he challenged them to change the world," said Tim Reynolds.